A Teacher Showcase _ Mentors

Bad Santa’s Xmas Jam Where is it? At the Whiskey Barrel Bar, Haverhill MA — Downstairs When is it? Friday, December 23rd, at 7pm Who can go? Anyone who wants a fun night out for a great cause! — All Ages What’s the special occasion? Besides great fun and awesome music, you’ll be helping to support CommonContinue Reading


  We are excited to announce that Miss Massachusetts USA, Whitney Sharpe is going to attend our benefit concert at The Hard Rock Cafe!  We hear so many great things about Whitney and we are so excited to meet her! So many wonderful people have reached out to support this great cause: to help SPCA InternationalContinue Reading

Winter 2015 Schedule

Events, Concerts and more - DeAngelis Studio of Music, Haverhill, MA

Studio closed for the holiday Thursday, December 24, 2015 through Wednesday, December 30, 2015 (closed Thursday through Wednesday) Christmas Recital Date: Saturday, December 5th 2015 Time: 3:00pm – 5:00pm Location: The Whiskey Barrel, right downstairs. Cost: Only what you spend on your food and beverages! Let great food, drinks, AND our talented students help you get in the holiday spirit!  NewContinue Reading

Bringin Down The House! Concert, Boston

Rock School, Youth Bands - DeAngelis Studio of Music, Haverhill, MA

APRIL 15, 2015 BY ADMIN Tuesday, April 21 – during School Vacation Week one of our bands will be performing at the House of Blues in Boston with 5 other talented local youth bands. For complimentary tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/house-of-blues-bringing-down-the-house-all-ages-tickets-16114540023